In een
opwelling onderbrak ik wat ik aan het
lezen was: het boek 'Other Tongues Other Flesh' van George Hunt Williamson van rond 1950,
een mijlpaal in de vroege UFO literatuur. Williamson was een vriend van
Adamski, en een wereldreiziger met de ideeën van Erich von Däniken, lang voor
die zijn 'Waren de goden kosmonauten' schreef.
doet meer dan een halve eeuw geleden al een vurig pleidooi voor contact met
aliens, omdat zij degenen zijn die ons kunnen helpen te zien wie we zijn en op te houden elkaar de kop in te timmeren.
Om m'n
post te checken deed ik een boekenlegger in Williamson en verdween op internet
in de Anomalist site waar ik bijna dagelijks de parels uitvis. Een link voerde
me naar een petitie van een Nederlander, Maarten Horst, die een geweldig idee
heeft gehad: 111.111 handtekeningen verzamelen en aanbieden aan aliens:
Kom naar beneden alsjeblieft! Laat je zien! We
kunnen niet zonder jullie hulp!!
de tekst:
Petition asks ETs to disclose
their presence
Posted by: Alejandro Rojas April 15, 20132 Comments2078 Views
There have been a
lot of petitions to ask the government to disclose what they know about UFOs
and ETs visiting earth, but one man has decided to go to the source and
petition the ETs directly.
The petition is
described as a “worldwide petition to show the ET’s we really want disclosure,”
and has been posted on, a
petitioning website that allows the public to gather signatures to send to the
organization they are petitioning to demonstrate public support. In this case,
the petition says it will be sent to “Extraterrestrials.”
The petition was
created by Maarten Horst of Aagtekerke, Netherlands. It states that, “If we all
stand tall and tell the ET’s we want them to disclose themselves and we mean
business then it will happen.”
magic number of signatures needed for the petition to be successful is listed
as 111,111, of which 1,823 have been obtained as of the writing of this story.
Mr. Horst also has some insight into the inner-workings of a galactic
federation of extraterrestrials. He says, “The Galactic Federation is very
sensitive in certain things. They want to be careful and not create a shock for
the majority when disclosure happens.”
notes that we live in a “military world,” and believes that many have been
brainwashed by the meddling mainstream media. In order to alleviate this
problem, Horst has a suggestion for the ETs:
We urge all intelligent and loving life from outside the earth to Intervene and use whatever force
necessary to arrest anyone who
opposes the new era of peace and first contact. We know of your law of
non-interference, but now, we, the earth-humans demand that you take action and free us from the daily lies and
show you are here. From now on we want to walk beside you in love. We are
longing to meet you and live in peace.
If you want to sign the petition to help let
the ETs know humans are serious about disclosure, you can find it by clicking here.
en dan kom je
Worldwide petition to show the ET’s we really want disclosure.
It doesn’t matter HOW you believe in the existence and presence of ET’s. Via the Galactic Federation of Light, Via Scientific proof, The Guardian Alliance or via your job.
If we all stand tall and tell the ET’s we want them to disclose themselves and we mean business then it will happen.
We all know they can reroute all the mainstream media channels and even our TV sets even if they are switched off.
A point I want to make clear also:
The Galactic Federation is very sensitive in certain things. They want to be careful and not create a shock for the majority when disclosure happens. Well here is this: Too many people are brainwashed by the mainstream media and it is their choice. I have spoken to friends, family and neighbours and they do not want me to talk about ET’s. So there is nothing I can do. We live in a military world where we have no power to influence the mainstream media. But the ET’s can. Easily.
We urge all intelligent and loving life from outside the earth to Intervene and use whatever force necessary to arrest anyone who opposes the new era of peace and first contact. We know of your law of non-interfercene, but now, we, the earth-humans demand that you take action and free us from the daily lies and show you are here. From now on we want to walk beside you in love. We are longing to meet you and live in peace.
So let’s sign this petition:
YES we DO want disclosure and we, “the informed” take total responsibility for the masses to panic. We will take care of them. We can handle them. But we need your help ET’s. So badly. It is all about informing us. We are in 2013 now. Do not wait anymore. We are eager to meet you. Together we are victorious.
Maarten Horst, Host and Producer of ET-First Contact Radio on BBS Radio and FindingVoicesRadio
Maarten Horst’s Radio Shows NEW SHOW INFO: Every other Monday (EVEN Weeks) at - AND: Every other Thursday (UNEVEN WEEKS) at More info via:
Ik kon niet wachten
gehoor te geven aan Maarten's verzoek en ik stuurde het gelijk door naar een
aantal mensen.
Via de email heb ik
hem bedankt. Want ook al is het natuurlijk te gek voor woorden, het is ook
En daarom geloof ik
dat het helpt. George Hunt Williamson staat achter ons.
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